Zany, out-of-the-box thinking at work.


Did you ever want to be a part of the solution and not the problem? Did you really do something about
solving the problem? Well an unconventional ad firm out of California came up with a great way to do their part to help with the foreclosure crisisout-of-the-box thinking this country is facing.

Romeo Mendoza, CEO of Brainiacs From Mars, came up with this idea after seeing a foreclosure sign on yet another house. Their Website says they think outside of the box but they need to include they act upon those out-of-the-box thoughts. They made a deal with a homeowner to turn his house into a, quite large, billboard by painting it some pretty crazy colors. In exchange Brainiacs From Mars will pay his mortgage for one year (if he keeps his house just the way they painted it). Their Website also says they are able to “generate out of this world media attention” and that they did. The story broke a few days ago and has probably aired on almost every major network news station across the country. And, you won’t believe how many people have filled out an application to have their house painted and get their mortgage paid for a year. Over 45,000! Brainiacs From Mars has a goal to repaint 3,000 more houses with crazy colors and advertisements. They set up a donation page with varying amounts. The goal is to raise $925,000 (their current total raised is $315). It’s great to see this kind of creativity coming out of another small shop. It’s also nice to see they can deliver when they say they think outside the box.

What I also noticed and especially liked is that all the buzz around the story is focused on the foreclosure crisis and the help this idea potentially can provide and not the media exposure Brainiacs From Mars is getting.


out-of-the-box thinking

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