University bans social media for a week

It’s hard to think about what life would be like without some social media application forming the hub for communications with friends, family and whale

Twitter, Facebook and the gobs of start-up social media sites have in some ways made our lives easier while at the same time creating new complications with which to contend.

Could you go without accessing your Facebook or Twitter Account for a week?

A Harrisburg University of Science and Technology Provost Eric Darr instituted a campus-wide ban this week on all popular social media tools, National Public Radio reported.

The social media blackout includes Facebook, Twitter and instant messaging. All campus computers will be blocked from accessing social media. The week-long interdiction is an academic lesson rather than a disciplinary action. Students are required to write a reflective essay about their time sans social media.

“Often, there are behaviors, habits, ways we use technology that we may ourselves not even be able to articulate because we’re not aware of them,” Darr said in an NPR interview.


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