Well, here we are again – another month and another blog. I am sure as it sits now, you might be tired of this sales guy and his blogs. But, alas, here I am and you are reading it, so we all win. In this article, I am going to go over something that is not only important in the business world but also in life. Today we are going to go over SMART goals. What are SMART goals you may ask? Well, I am going to explain it to you. SMART goals stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timelined goals. These are all obtainable through hard work, dedication, and a strong will to accomplish them. No one is too good to set goals for themselves to work towards.Maybe you want to buy a home or you want a new car. Both of these things can be obtained through SMART goals. So let’s get started. Shall we?
Specific Goals
With any goal you set for yourself, you have to be specific with what you want and what you want out of that goal. For instance, if you are trying to expand your business or grow your client list, what specific goals can you set for yourself that will allow you to obtain those desiresl? Perhaps you could lookat other areas outside of what your business does and attempt to do that? If you want more clients,do you reach out through an email blast, or go ‘old school’ and cold call? These are all examples of specific goals you can set for yourself because you know exactly what it is you are going to do. Now you have established what you want to do and what you can get out of those goals. The next step is executing those goals. Take the steps or the ‘leap of faith’ and give it a shot! Each specific goal you set for yourself is going to impact both your business and the team you have working with you. As a result, make sure you take into consideration both their time and your company’s time as well.
Measurable Goals
Now that we have established specific goals, we need to focus on the measurable goals. Measurable goals establish rock solid criteria to measure the progress of the goals you set in front of you. Once you measure these goals you are able to to stay on track and reach the target dates you have set for them.For example, you say you want to grow your client base from 500 to 1000 in 3 months. In addition, each month you have to sign at least 167 new clients in order to hit your goal. That is a prime example of a measurable goal. This helps you measure your progress and keeps you on track to reach your goals for yourself as well as your business.
Achievable Goals
Is there any point in setting a goal for yourself that is either too difficult to achieve or you do not have the capabilities to accomplish? No, there isn’t. This will not only cause you to be unmotivated to get it done, but I also believe it will bring down your self- confidence. You begin to think to yourself “Can I actually do this?” “ Am I not good enough?” Those are thoughts that should never enter your head by any means. You can do it and you are that good. You just have to also be reasonable. When setting a goal for yourself, you have to use your knowledge and your current skills as a measuring stick toensure the goal is attainable.That being said, if you set a goal that is too easy for you to accomplish, it will leave you feeling a little cheated once you have accomplished it. Thus, set a goal that is not too easy for you to accomplish, but is not impossible.
Relevant Goals
This goal is very important because it pertains to you, your boss and your company. Is the goal you are setting relevant to them? There are three questions you must ask yourself in order to see whether it is a relevant goal for you. Those three questions are:
- Is it worth the cost and resources required to obtain the goal?
- Is it the right time to be pursuing the goal?
- Will it fit with the strategy that your company is aiming towards?
If done the right way, a relevant goal can inspire your team, yourself, and your boss. Let’s face it, we all want to impress our boss. One thing you must also take into consideration is this: is the goal you set for yourself part of your company’s overall strategy? If it is not,then there is no point in setting the goal.
Timelined Goals
Time is one thing we either have to much of or not enough. When you have a goal set in front of you, it is really important to set a timeline to accomplish that goal. Having a timeline is essential at all times, as it helps you and your team focus on the goal and its completion. Italso prevents goals from being overtaken by another. The three things to pay attention to with a timelined goal are this:
- Urgency
- Focus
- Motivation
Urgency also allows you to be on top of your ‘A’game because you know you have a deadline to meet and so does you team. In my opinion, this will create a tighter bond with your team as you are working so close together. This will establish trust and unity, which is valuable and important to have when working together.
In summary I truly believe that establishing SMART goals can not only benefit you, but your team as well. The main thing you always have to ask yourself is this: does it make sense and is it going to be worth you and your team’s time? Time is valuable, and this includes you and your team’s time. That being said, recognizing when you have accomplished and achieved your goal is extremely gratifying. In general, having clear goals is very useful in assisting you and your team to motivate and inform other individuals. In turn, these individuals may want to help and assist you in accomplishing those goals. Having extra help is never a bad thing. On another note, sharing your goals in the workplace is highly motivating and adventurous to others. These individuals may see something either new or inspirational, and want to be a part of it. This is great because itbrings more team members around to assist. Most importantly, SMART goals are essential with team building exercises. Well, that is the end of another blog. As I said earlier, I am sure you are tired of reading them. But you read this one, so I am sure you will read the next one! Hahaha. Thank you again, and have a great day.
By: Joshua Cardoza