Should you combine FBX with web retargeting? The answer is yes!

We are continuing our topic of Facebook Exchange and its benefits for companies. We have seen where Facebook Exchange has had lower cost per impressions and cost per click when compared with web retargeting. However, web retargetting has better click through rates and lower costs per unique. This means it would be in the best interest of advertisers to use both in order to maximize retargeting. You may think there would be a lot of overlap between the two, but a study has shown that there is actually very little overlap.

The recent study showed Facebook Exchange with over 80 percent lower cost per thousand impressions (CPM) and 70 percent lower cost per clicks (CPC). Web retargeting had over 80 percent lower cost per unique than Facebook Exchange and the clickthrough rates averaged 40 percent higher. The important part here is the fact that there was only 8.3 percent of uniques reached both campaigns. This is why it is important to combine multiple advertising options if you want to maximize your conversions. Does your company want to learn more about your retargeting options? Fill out the form at the bottom right of this page.

The study can be found here: AdRoll

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