The Agency Survival Guide is filled with information on how you can retain and gain clients in these tough economic times.
About This Guide
This is a rapidly evolving situation in our industry as such this is intended to be a living document that will get regularly updated. We’ll notify you when updates are published, and we invite you to download the updates as they become available.
We Believe in An Abundance Mentality
What does that mean? It means that we believe wholeheartedly that there is so much business out there for marketing companies, that there is relatively no such thing as competition. That further means that as marketers we should not be afraid to work together and share information that’s a benefit to the entire industry. This guide is an example of that philosophy. We don’t believe that any agency should suffer in these times and that any information we can provide to help another agency just makes our entire industry that much stronger.
How to Use This Guide
In the first section of this guide we provide some guidance on a mentality shift for both your agency and for you to consider sharing with your clients in these trying times. It involves seeing this from a new perspective of an opportunity rather than a threat.
Further on you will find actionable information (again for you and your clients) about Disaster Aid and funding. If you aren’t already considering these options, you should be.
Finally, we focus on the industries we believe that will thrive in this environment. Industries that you should consider developing your own approach to marketing to so that you can in fill your client losses with new clients in industries that will do well right now and that may potentially spend money in marketing and need your services.
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