Is Myspace staging a comeback from social network oblivion?

Myspace is unveiling a complete redesign of the user homepage and focusing more on displaying streaming content and sharing tools, according to a Mashable article.

The revamped homepage rolled out as a “sneak peek” to selected users today. All users will see the change on August 16, according to Mashable. myspace-fire

Some of the new features in the new design include MySpace Stream, which will deliver a newsfeed of information about friends to the user. Modules in the right hand column will display friend and event recommendations, birthdays, and “My Stuff” module, which will give the user easy access to events, profiles, music, photos, videos, blogs and games.

The homepage redesign is an attempt by the social networking company to remain relevant in the social networking realm. Myspace was one of the first widely popular social networking websites. When Facebook erupted on the social networking scene many Mypaces users fled for the new kid on the block. Last month, Myspace redesigned its profile for some of its users, according to Mashable.

Today, Myspace has more than 150 million users; and it’s been a popular forum for up and coming bands to promote their brand, which is possible with Myspace’s customizable interface.

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