Finding Jobs Online

Yesterday we attended a Career & Internship Fair at the main campus of UCF. Events like these remind us not every contact is made online. It’s good to know events like this still exist that provide face time and gives younger people the opportunity to hold verbal conversations with potential employers. Although the next step or few steps might take place virtually at least there was some in person contact early on. When some of us graduated we lugged around multiple (hard) copies of our very rigid resume. Or we hauled around an awkward portfolio to display our creativeness. Do you remember purchasing the newspaper to look at the Classifieds? Now, you wouldn’t be caught dead doing any of the before mentioned. But, then again it depends on who YOU are (or what age group you belong to). With unemployment greatly affecting the older work force that potentially have been with their current company for MANY years, they might not know any other way. Most of them have shied away from social media. They find, like most other things, the tweeting, posting and status updating to be quite frivolous. Being a part of the digital conversation might not be a skill set needed for their current job but knowing how to network can be crucial to their career. The marketplace for jobs is online. If you are looking for work you need to be a part of that dialogue. Recently AARP developed a service called Work Reimagined which is powered by LinkedIn, the social media site focused on connecting and staying connected based on your career. The new site focuses on individuals with extensive experience, strong work ethic, emotional maturity and all the things that older workers bring to the table. The site really helps the older worker stay in the game if that is what they chose to do and it provides a more level playing field. You can no longer say age puts you in or out of the game. And you can no longer dismiss social media. With that said we hope everyone enjoyed the Fair and best of luck to all the attendees in finding a career or internship.

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