Difference Between Search Ads and Display Ads

Difference Between Search Ads and Display Ads

Difference Between Search Advertisements and Display Ads | A Hand Holding a Megaphone

Those who may be thinking of trying their hat at Google Search Advertisements for the very first time may have some common questions as far as which ads may work best for their particular business or brand. Being that there are quite a few options available on the Google Ads platform alone, we will go over the most popular among the bunch which are Search Ads and Display Ads. These two strategies on the Google Ads platform are most popular because they are fairly quick and easy to get one or both of these types of campaigns up and live on the web. But do you really need one over the other to be successful? Do you really need both of them together to be successful?

These are some of the common questions you may ask yourself when in the mindset of beginning an online advertising campaign for your white label business or brand. So, we will go over in a little more detail the question of the Difference Between Search Ads and Display Ads, and how either one of them may benefit you on your particular budget especially if you are into white label PPC management service.

Why Are Search Advertisements The Most Common Ad Strategy On Google Ads Platform?

Search Advertisements Strategy | A Blocks with icon of Target, A Light Bulb, A Gear, and A Magnifying GlassIn this section, we will go over one of the most common online advertising campaigns that are most popularly referred to as a Search Ads strategy. You may have an idea of what this type of strategy may be just by the name alone. But there are quite a few details that you will need to be aware of before launching one of these common campaigns.

So quite simply, a Search Ad is an advertisement that has the potential to be seen when someone either enters a search into Google.com or any other search engine in hopes to get some results based on their particular search. Yes, it can be thought of as that basic of a concept, when someone searches for something on Google, ads typically will show up based on the words typed into the search browser. No matter the search engine, most of them have a blank field box where anyone can enter in a phrase or words to search in order to view either websites, blogs, articles, or forums to get information on that particular product or topic.

What makes search ads one of the most popular and one of the most common strategies to use? It is really quite simple. A typical search ad campaign has only a few main parts that need to be set up before it can be up and running live on the web. One of the parts is simply named “keywords“. In a short description, a keyword can be simply described as a word or set of words and phrases that you would want your Search Advertisements to show up for when someone types in the word or phrase of your choosing.

Critical Details Concerning Keyword Usage

Keywords can be as simple as one word, or as complicated as a string of words or phrases that are 9 or 10 words long. It is really up to the advertiser how detailed they want to be with the particular words or phrases entered into the Google Ads platform. However, there are some very critical details that would need to be understood before putting together such a list of words or phrases before launching a Search Ads campaign. We will not get into this in detail within this write-up, but the critical detail regarding keywords that one would need to understand and consider would be the keyword “match types” that Google and other Search Ad platforms allow.

Keyword match types are probably what will give you that edge over other advertisers before your Search Ads campaign even goes live on the internet on Google or other search engines. They are literally that important of a detail that you will not want to skip over knowing the ins and outs of each match type. I may go into detail in another write-up regarding keyword match types, but for this write up we will stick to the basics of Search Ads as a strategy.

[bctt tweet=”In a short description, a keyword can be simply described as a word or set of words and phrases that you would want your Search Ad to show up for when someone types in the word or phrase of your choosing.” username=”ThatCompanycom”]

What Are Text Ads and Ad Copy?

Ads for Keywords | A Red Man Inside The Target Circle Among With The Gray Man Outside itAnother main part of a Search Ad besides the keywords that will have a lot to do with the success of a campaign is the Text Ad or Ad Copy. Simply put, the Text Ad or Ad Copy is the message you want a searcher to read that would entice them into clicking on your ad versus clicking on a competitor’s ad. Some may think this is a simple concept, but there are quite a few requirements to consider that not only the searcher would be looking for but also what Google or the search engine platform your ads plan to run and operate on.

Yes, you would want the ad to be enticing to the searcher, but you would also need to cater to Google’s best practices or the other search engines’ best practice terms. Do a little bit of research on best practices on Text Ads and Ad Copy to see what is needed and you will have a step ahead of some of the beginners who plan to advertise.

Are Display Ads A Better Choice Than Search Ads For Your Business Or Brand?

So, what exactly is a display ad and how does it differ from a search ad you may ask? Well, a display ad can typically be found while you are browsing the internet looking at news articles, blogs, checking your Gmail account, or as you are watching Youtube videos. They are usually in an Image format which also has them referred to as Image Ads to many advertisers who have been advertising online for some time.

Display ads do not operate based on a Search as a search ad does, a display ad typically is based on a like or interest of the person browsing the internet. For example, someone who has an interest in DIY gardening at home may be browsing an article about gardening in which that article may have ads for various gardening tools, soil, e-books, or other type products.

Display Ads for New Brands

Display Ads | A Feet Showing a Branded ShoesSo while the searcher is on online websites, blogs, forums, or videos based on their interest at the time they can expect to see some form of banner ad, square ad, rectangle ads of brands or businesses that have something of interest-based on the particular page they are visiting at the time. A display ad is a great way to get a new brand out there on the internet in front of readers that may show interest in the category or topic of that new brand.

This is more of a “push” type strategy whereas the person reading an article or blog may not have physically typed in a Search request into a search bar. Different from a search ad, the cost of a display ad can cost much less on a per-click basis than a traditional search ad would cost. The reach can be much greater than a traditional search ad as well, as the display ad has the potential to be displayed to internet users worldwide, across millions of websites, news pages, blogs, and Google sites like Gmail and YouTube, as well as gaming apps.

Hopefully, this gets you on your way to discovering which strategy may be best for you and your brand or business. Good luck and happy online advertising.=

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