[ALERT] Google is actively reducing bad Adword Accounts

ALERT! Adwords account Counterfeiters be put on notice that Google is coming for you! Dear reader, I hope you’re not concerned and are acting ethically, and here’s some good news!

Google has been on top of their game in 2013 and have removed 350 Million Adwords accounts in the battle against the abuse from both Adwords advertisers as well as AdSense publishers. This is great news considering this is over 100 million more Adwords accounts then they removed during 2012 so its safe to say that Google is moving in the right direction. There are several things that Google is looking for when they review these bad Adwords accounts such as compliance of Adwords Terms, The usage of all capital letters as well as having URL’s that are in no way connected to their site and send you to an unrelated web page.

Google went out of their way to mention the battle that they have been fighting against counterfeiters and the agreement made by Google Adwords as well as many other ad agencies to lower the advertising of copyright infringement as well as counterfeit goods.Whatever Google is doing seems to be working seeing as how the number of complaints about counterfeit advertising dropped as much as 85% in 2012 and another 78% in 2013. This is sending a message to all of the Adwords account Counterfeiters out there that Google is not going to put up with this and will be proactive in their efforts to stop it.

Written By: Matthew Enix – M.A.D


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