Employee Morale: Fun at the Workplace. Did You Read Fun? Yes, You Did!

How is the employee morale around your office? Do you have fun where you work? Is fun a word even allowed at your workplace? At That Company we work very hard, but know how to play hard as well. During the week we have various meetings and activities set up to boost morale throughout the office. We all experience good days, bad days, stressful days, and days where nothing goes right. To combat employees holding in their frustration or negative feelings, we encourage employees to relieve stress in positive ways. We also have activities in place to encourage and boost the employees around us. We all need help some days boosting our confidence or seeing the positive in certain situations. The VP of Marketing & Sales, Mike, says, “It is the best day of my life!” every time you see him. Without him even knowing it, he is showing positivity which makes you feel better. By pointing out the positives in the workplace and the positives in employees, we create a positive environment where individuals can grow. By showing an individual employee how they’ve helped and how that affects the company, we create waves of positive effects that appear in our work. The positive effects also reveal themselves while working direct or indirectly with the clients.

At That Company Internet Marketing and White Label Service, we have various activities and events set up to boost the employee morale around the office. We have Monday morning meetings every week a 9:00 AM. The first fifteen minutes all the employees chat amongst themselves. This is to create an environment where  departments get to interact with other departments they might not necessarily see throughout the week. After the first fifteen minutes are up, the actual meeting begins. We are given a chance to talk about something good that happened to us over the weekend. The Monday meeting also gives us a chance to catch up on any office competitions going on. Depending on the time of the year, we have NFL Pick’em for the winners of that week and NCAA March Madness brackets. During this meeting  we find out what the catered lunch for the week will be. We also find out what the game of the week is going to be and who the game commissioners are. Game commissioners are chosen by the previous game commissioners, and they have four weeks to plan out four games for those weeks. This keeps the games of the week interesting because no one’s brain thinks the same. Some employees like to make games where you shoot targets, while others choose games of strategy and intelligence.

catering to show employee appreciation Every week an employee gets to choose our catered lunch option for that week. Another perk of being able to pick the catered lunch for the week is having your car washed complimentary by That Company. In short, this means you want to be the one to choose lunch for the week. Catered lunch for the week is another way to get employees together because there are picnic tables outside for everyone to eat together. Some employees go back to their office or go sit by others elsewhere within the office. This is a great perk because you do not have to think about what you have to bring for lunch that day, it saves money, and lets you try various restaurants in the area without having to leave the office. Another perk of the catered lunch is the leftovers. Usually we have a decent number of leftovers the next day. This is great for when you forget to bring your lunch and then remember there is food in the fridge when you get to work.

game of the week to promote team building Game of the week begins at about Noon on Wednesday around the time the catered lunch arrives. If you win the game of the week, the winner gets a gift certificate. The gift certificate is chosen at random by mixing up gift cards, not looking at the bowl, and choosing one car out of the bowl. Another positive of being a game commissioner for the game of the week is learning time management. You must prioritize your time and get the games made to be played by Wednesday. This usually takes a few meetings with the other chosen game commissioner and then putting the game into play.

arcade games to relieve employee stressWithin the building, we have an Xbox lounge and an arcade room filled with rows of original arcade games. Mortal Kombat, Ms. Pacman, NFL Blitz, and Galaga are a few to name inside the arcade room. The Xbox lounge has two Xbox consoles hooked up to two TVs. These are both great for when a break is needed. If the day has you stressed, or a client is being difficult sometimes we need a mental break. The Xbox lounge and arcade room can give you some peace of mind within a short time. The games help you get your mind off the stressful event, and let you relax.

Every Friday we have a 2:00pm Coin Meeting inside the break room. All the employees gather together just like the 9:00am Monday morning meetings. We all get together and chat for the first fifteen minutes to catch up with each other. After the first fifteen minutes are up, we get some updates throughout the week from various departments such as sales. After the updates, it is now time for the previous coin of the week recipient to give away a coin to another fellow employee. We begin this process by saying why that person is being chosen for the coin that week. We always list positive things about the person and then name the person we are giving the coin to for that week. The person who receives the coin  must then sit and listen to other employees’ reason as to why they are a positive impact on the workplace. To be honest, sometimes this can be very hard to hear. Is it because we are used to hearing negatives in our life? Sometimes it is just hard for people to be the center of attention. This can be something as simple as saying ‘Thank you’ for lending a hand or describing a positive trait about the coin recipient. The explanation can be simple or as detailed as it needs to be.


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Other morale boosting perks at the workplace are nerf battles, a one-year honorary hallway poster-sized photo of yourself when you hit the one-year mark, a five-year recognition parking space with your name customized on it, and you get to leave early after the coin meeting on Fridays if you have your blogs caught up to date. I am grateful and thankful to work for That Company which creates such a positive environment for individual, personal, and professional growth.

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