Adwords Scripts
As day-to-day tasks mount up in your schedule, finding time to complete these tasks can sometimes be difficult at best. Bidding, budgets, campaigns, and negative keyword lists are some of the many helpful scripts that can be used to help you complete your daily tasks more efficiently. There are scripts for certain Adwords entities, bulk uploads, reports, extensions, targeting and more. All of this information can be found at: Today, I will go through a basic keyword bidding script to show you how you can make your life a little easier within the Google Adwords Interface.
Organizing Your Tasks
The first thing you need to do is ask yourself: “Which tasks do I need to accomplish on a daily basis, that I am having difficulty accomplishing?” Once that question is answered, you can look at the scripts to see if there is any automated help available to you to help complete those daily tasks. Addressing this early on will help you to concentrate on the many other tasks within your Adwords Account. One of the most difficult daily tasks may be keyword bidding. Keyword bidding is keeping your most prized keyword lists in the perfect converting position. Once you have tested with manual bidding and have a good idea on where you need to be position-wise, the Adwords Scripts can help you maintain a targeted position for your top-performing keywords. This will actually work for any set of keywords that matter. You will need to do your research for the correct script, and adjust it accordingly to match your specific account, but the end result will be well worth the labor.
Creating Your Script
To create your script, you will need to go to the “Bulk Operations” section within Adwords, located in the left navigation pane toward the bottom of the screen. You will then see a list of bulk operations you can perform. You will then select the “Create and Manage Scripts” option. Click on the red button with + Script, to start putting your script into the interface. As you research, you will have code snippets to build the perfect script for your specific need. A little bit of code will already be in the script when it loads. Erase this code and insert the proper code snippets for your desired function. Once completed, you will need to name your script in the box above the red “Preview” button. You will also need to click the “Authorize Now” button in the yellow box beneath the red “Preview” button. Click “Yes” in the pop up box to authorize the usage of this script and then save your script. Lastly, be sure to preview your script to make sure it works properly. If it does not, you will need to make the necessary adjustments until you have the perfect working script. Always test your script before usage, otherwise you may not receive the desired results!
Scheduling Your Script
Once you have created and tested your script, you have the option to either run them manually, or set up a custom schedule for when you want your new script to run. You will see the script that you named with the option to click “Run” and manually run your script when needed, or you can click on the +Create Schedule link to create the perfect schedule for your script. These can always be edited whenever needed as well. It is all in your control.
There is a lot of work involved in creating Adwords scripts, but this Adwords Tool will help you save countless time and it is definitely worth it. I hope this helps to enlighten you on the many possibilities that these scripts can offer when handling your daily tasks and freeing up some much needed time to complete additional tasks!
— Bobby Ballash, Director of PPC